www.gusucode.com > 茶都拼客网全功能版 8 > 茶都拼客网全功能版 8.8源码程序/teasdxmccom/茶都拼客网V8.8(全功能,无限制,完全开源)/admin/ku_time/sample/agenda.js

    //////////////////// Agenda file for CalendarXP 9.0 /////////////////
// This file is totally configurable. You may remove all the comments in this file to minimize the download size.

//////////////////// Define agenda events ///////////////////////////
// Usage -- fAddEvent(year, month, day, message, action, bgcolor, fgcolor, bgimg, boxit, html);
// Notice:
// 1. The (year,month,day) identifies the date of the agenda.
// 2. In the action part you can use any javascript statement, or use " " for doing nothing.
// 3. Assign "null" value to action will result in a line-through effect(can't be selected).
// 4. html is the HTML string to be shown inside the agenda cell, usually an <img> tag.
// 5. fgcolor is the font color for the specific date. Setting it to ""(empty string) will make the fonts invisible and the date unselectable.
// 6. bgimg is the url of the background image file for the specific date.
// 7. boxit is a boolean that enables the box effect using the bgcolor when set to true.
// ** REMEMBER to enable respective flags of the gAgendaMask option in the theme, or it won't work.
fAddEvent(2001,6,6, "If you plan to arrive on today, your departure time will be constricted!","","lightsteelblue");
fAddEvent(2001,6,20, "If you plan to depart on today, your arrival time will be constricted!","","lightsteelblue");

///////////// Dynamic holiday calculations /////////////////////////
// This function provides you a flexible way to make holidays of your own. (It's optional.)
// Once defined, it'll be called every time the calendar engine renders the date cell;
// With the date passed in, just do whatever you want to validate whether it is a desirable holiday;
// Finally you should return an agenda array like [message, action, bgcolor, fgcolor, bgimg, boxit, html] 
// to tell the engine how to render it. (returning null value will make it rendered as default style)
// ** REMEMBER to enable respective flags of the gAgendaMask option in the theme, or it won't work.
function fHoliday(y,m,d) {
	var rE=fGetEvent(y,m,d), r=null;

	// you may have sophisticated holiday calculation set here, following are only simple examples.
	//if (m==1&&d==1)
	//	r=[" Jan 1, "+y+" \n Happy New Year! ",gsAction,"skyblue","red"];
	//else if (m==12&&d==25)
	//	r=[" Dec 25, "+y+" \n Merry X'mas! ",gsAction,"skyblue","red"];
	//else if (m==7&&d==1)
	//	r=[" Jul 1, "+y+" \n Canada Day ",gsAction,"skyblue","red"];
	//else if (m==7&&d==4)
	//	r=[" Jul 4, "+y+" \n Independence Day ",gsAction,"skyblue","red"];
	//else if (m==11&&d==11)
	//	r=[" Nov 11, "+y+" \n Veteran's Day ",gsAction,"skyblue","red"];
	//else if (m==1&&d<25) {
	//	var date=getDateByDOW(y,1,3,1);	// Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is the 3rd Monday of Jan
	//	if (d==date) r=[" Jan "+d+", "+y+" \n Martin Luther King, Jr. Day ",gsAction,"skyblue","red"];
	//else if (m==2&&d<20) {
	//	var date=getDateByDOW(y,2,3,1);	// President's Day is the 3rd Monday of Feb
	//	if (d==date) r=[" Feb "+d+", "+y+" \n President's Day ",gsAction,"skyblue","red"];
	//else if (m==9&&d<15) {
	//	var date=getDateByDOW(y,9,1,1);	// Labor Day is the 1st Monday of Sep
	//	if (d==date) r=[" Sep "+d+", "+y+" \n Labor Day ",gsAction,"skyblue","red"];
	//else if (m==10&&d<15) {
	//	var date=getDateByDOW(y,10,2,1);	// Thanksgiving is the 2nd Monday of October
	//	if (d==date) r=[" Oct "+d+", "+y+" \n Thanksgiving Day (Canada) ",gsAction,"skyblue","red"];
	//else if (m==11&&d>15) {
	//	var date=getDateByDOW(y,11,4,4);	// Thanksgiving is the 4th Thursday of November
	//	if (d==date) r=[" Nov "+d+", "+y+" \n Thanksgiving Day (U.S.) ",gsAction,"skyblue","red"];
	//else if (m==5&&d>20) {
	//	var date=getDateByDOW(y,5,5,1);	// Memorial day is the last Monday of May
	//	if (d==date) r=[" May "+d+", "+y+" \n Memorial Day ",gsAction,"skyblue","red"];

	return rE?rE:r;	// favor events over holidays